Primal Messaging
Signaling our limbic systems
Why do so many people love their pet dogs so much? How does a dog communicate so profoundly with its owner? How does wagging a tail create such a strong bond of affection and attachment? The answer seems to be that the dog is signaling our emotional center in a very simple yet profound and powerful way. I call this messaging system “Primal Messaging” or “Limbic Calculus” Informally, people sometimes use words such as “chemistry” or “vibes” with a similar meaning.
Signaling between the limbic systems of two beings. This signaling is often non-verbal, and often takes place below the level of consciousness.
Semantics and Syntax:
We signal messages from our limbic system to the limbic system of others using a variety of symbols, including facial expression, non-verbal emblems, voice inflection, body position, etc. Most of these messages pertain to our most basic needs. Here is the basic vocabulary of those messages:
Need |
Syntax |
Semantics |
Semantics |
Syntax |
Dimension |
Need |
Exploration |
Smile |
Approach |
Retreat |
Distance |
Safety |
Relatedness |
Smile |
Like |
Dislike |
Frown |
Safety |
Authentic |
↔ |
Fake, phony |
Safety |
Safe |
↔ |
Unsafe |
Safety |
Safety |
Optimistic |
↔ |
Disagree |
Understand |
↔ |
Puzzled |
Procreation |
Hot (sexy) |
↔ |
Not Attractive |
Selection |
Progress |
Continue |
↔ |
Halt |
Safety |
Competence |
Sure (confident) |
↔ |
Unsure |
Confidence |
Competence |
Interested |
↔ |
Bored |
Happy |
↔ |
Sad |
Pleased |
↔ |
Displeased |
Judgment |
Dominant |
↔ |
Submissive |
Power |
Strong |
↔ |
Weak |
Strength |
Know |
↔ |
Don’t know |
Knowledge |
Trust |
↔ |
Distrust |
Believing |
↔ |
Skeptical |
Rested, Vital |
↔ |
Fatigued, Exhausted |
Energy |
Friendly |
↔ |
Unfriendly, Hostile |
Proud |
↔ |
Ashamed |
stature |
Aggressive |
↔ |
Passive, Calm |
Respect |
↔ |
Disrespect |
Esteem |
Defiant |
↔ |
Contrite, Apologetic |
Thankful, Grateful |
↔ |
No Thanks, Unappreciative |
Relieved |
↔ |
Concerned, Anxious |
Relaxed |
↔ |
Stressed |
Procreation |
(Sexually) Available |
↔ |
Unreceptive |
Procreation |
Selectivity |
Empathetic, I care |
↔ |
I Don’t care |
Sincere |
↔ |
Insincere |
Warm |
↔ |
Cold |
Friend |
↔ |
Foe |
Fearful, Threatened |
↔ |
Safe |
Safety |
Safety |
Patient |
↔ |
Impatient |
Urgent |
↔ |
Casual |
Time |
Important |
↔ |
Trivial |
Approve |
↔ |
Disapprove |
Esteem |
Valued |
↔ |
Worthless |
Esteem |
Helpful |
↔ |
Hurtful |
Note that the signal may pertain to the self (1st person), you (2nd person) or a 3rd person.
- Our brains are physically wired to develop in tandem with another's through emotional communication, beginning before words are spoken ~ Allan N. Schore

- We are designed to be emotionally entangled. ~ Marc Ian Barasch

A General Theory of Love by Thomas Lewis, Fari Amini, Richard Lannon
Fear, Sadness, Anger, Joy, Surprise, Disgust, Contempt, Anger, Envy, Jealousy, Fright, Anxiety, Guilt, Shame, Relief, Hope, Sadness, Depression, Happiness, Pride, Love, Gratitude, Compassion, Aesthetic Experience, Joy, Distress, Happy-for, Sorry-for, Resentment, Gloating, Pride, Shame, Admiration, Reproach, Love, Hate, Hope, Fear, Satisfaction, Relief, Fears-confirmed, Disappointment, Gratification, Gratitude, Anger, Remorse, power, dominance, stature, relationships