Dr. Paul Ekman has been contributing to the understanding of expressions and emotions for nearly 50 years.
The Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations — is working to aid the advancement of research and practice related to emotional intelligence in organizations. They have developed a emotional competency framework.
The Mind and Life Institute — is establishing a powerful working collaboration and research partnership between modern science and Buddhism - the world's two most powerful traditions for understanding the nature of reality and investigating the mind
Authentic Happiness — is using the power of positive psychology to realize your potential for lasting fulfillment.
Emotional Intelligence Information, a website dedicated to communicating scientific information about emotional intelligence, including relevant aspects of emotions, cognition, and personality.
The Geneva Emotion Group, headed by several faculty at the University of Geneva, disseminates information relevant to emotions and to emotional knowledge.
Alternative Online Counseling Online counseling with Ewa Schwarz may change your life. Your relationship with others is based on your relationship with yourself. What are you needing to change?
The Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society — is dedicated to furthering the practice and integration of mindfulness in the lives of individuals, institutions, and society through a wide range of clinical, research, education, and outreach initiatives in the public and private sector.
Valid logic and the scientific method help us understand what is, while fallacies and any mistake in reasoning distort our perception and obscure our thinking.
DrDriving.org — Provides books and articles on driving psychology that are helpful in reducing road rage, aggressive driving, and other driving hazards related to emotional incompetence.
CourtTV.com Trials — Provides in-depth coverage of many criminal and civil trials. These often describe tragic consequences of emotional incompetence and serve as example of what not to do.
The Blueprints for Violence Prevention Program — Is part of the Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence (CSPV) at the University of Colorado at Boulder. They have identified 11 prevention and intervention programs that meet a strict scientific standard of program effectiveness. Their PATHS program is particularly relevant.
Fight Crime: Invest in Kids — is a bipartisan, nonprofit anti-crime organization led by more than 2,500 police chiefs, sheriffs, prosecutors, victims of violence and leaders of police officer associations. Be sure to read their report on preventing bullying. Also see the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health resources for preventing bullying.
The Workplace Bullying Institute providing research and education to stop bullying at work.
The Hate Crimes Research Network — is designed to link academic research being done on the topic of bias motivated crime
Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies — A website dedicated to ending humiliating practices and breaking cycles of humiliation throughout the world.
Marriage Counseling - How to save your marriage with Marriage Fitness by Mort Fertel, sign up now to receive free advice.
Breaking Ranks — is dedicated to the concept that dignity is not negotiable and rank must not be abused. Dignity, the quality of worth and honor intrinsic to every person, describes the basic birthrights of every human. Indignity—abridging those birthrights—is the essence of insult and the root of anger, shame, and hate. The dignitarian foundation provides a glossary of terms related to dignity and rank. The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights provides a governance model that preserves dignity.
Six Seconds, The Emotional Intelligence Network, is a leading resource for emotional intelligence development. Six Seconds provides information, training, and a range of assessment and development tools all around the globe.
Emotionally Intelligent Schools is dedicated to enhancing the professional and personal lives of school administrators, teachers, and students by providing evidence-based and field-tested training programs to schools.
Emotional Intelligence - Tools for Transformation, This site can help increase your Emotional Intelligence — the ability to sense, understand and effectively apply the power of emotions, appropriately channeled as a source of energy, creativity and influence.
The anger management groups website provides several resources and offers anger management counseling.
Meryl Runion, Unite and Concur, and Speak Strong provides Power Phrases and other tools to help improve communication skills at work, at home and in your community.
The Respect Research Group works to analyze the two terms “respect” and “disrespect” systematically and to create a stringent theoretical framework facilitating practical implementation of respectful interactions.
London Life Coach Therapist Tim LeBon's Personal Development through Philosophy & Psychology site includes a blog and many free resources.
The GoodFinding Institute for Personal and Professional Development provides information, audio, video, books and services to help with anger management, marriage, parenting, and building optimism to create a positive, healthy and fulfilling life.
The Emotional Needs Audit — is designed to find out how well innate emotional needs are being met in our society
Architecture and the Mind — Exploring the connections between how we experience architecture and the structure of the brain.
Center for Nonviolent Communication — A global organization helping people connect compassionately with themselves and one another through Nonviolent Communication language, created by Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.
Emotional Intelligence is presented here as a foundation for personal development.
Parenting with Dignity, featured on ABC's 20/20, teaches parents how to instill a sense of responsible decision making in their kids. Discover five simple rules for parents, and learn how “The ideas in our kids' heads rule their world.”
Enhanced Healing offers relaxation music, positive affirmations and online counseling for reducing stress and anxiety, promoting health, wellness and healing and improving self-esteem.
Seishindo: Body language decoding —provides articles and Seishindo online Practices to help understand your somatic / body language in order to heighten your intuition, compassion, and empathy, and improve your professional and personal relationships.
The DataFace Site — provides information on facial expressions, emotion expressions, nonverbal communication, and physiognomy
Roots of Empathy — an evidence-based classroom program that has shown dramatic effect in reducing levels of aggression and violence among schoolchildren while raising social/emotional competence and increasing empathy.
Humintell provides tools and training in the fields of facial expression of emotion, nonverbal behavior, detecting deception and cultural adaptation.
The Lawyer turned Peacemaker site describes Doug Noll's work in resolving difficult conflicts.
PanicAttackRecovery.com provides resources for people who want help in understanding and overcoming Panic Attacks
The Positive Way provides free information for creating positive relationships and self development including quizzes, articles and much more by relationship consultants.
Fear of Driving — understand what causes driving fear and learn to overcome this unhelpful conditioned response.
The vision of World Prout Assembly is for activists in all countries fighting for justice in all spheres of life to come together to form one universal coalition, in order to mobilize moralists for creating global change.
Rachel Green — provides many useful tips for improving your emotional competency.
Relationship Quizzes Check out this collection of relationship quizzes aimed at providing insights into relationships, problems related to them as well as helping you find solutions to them. They also have loads of other Ph.D certified IQ tests & Personality tests.